Welcome to my page!


Welcome to my blog; One Girl, Two Passports! I am very nervous, but also excited about starting this new journey. I’ve thought about doing this for a long time, but I always talked myself out of the idea. There are too many travel blogs already. I am too busy with school. What will people think? But I finally decided to put these excuses aside. I simply love traveling and want to share my passion with the rest of the world, so I am doing this!

To begin, I want to tell you why my blog will be different. Are you ready? I do not travel for a living! I am a student pharmacist and this means I am very busy most of the year and do not enjoy the liberty to travel as I please, when I please. I will simply give you my honest opinion based on personal experiences and help you make the best of your vacation by giving you easy-to-use resources.

After spending many afternoons at coffee shops looking at travel books and blogs I kept finding the same gaps in the details these sources were providing. Even worse, I found the hard way things I wish I had known before venturing out; why did no one anywhere mentioned that I needed to buy tickets 45 days in advance to visit the Alhambra Palace in Granada Spain? Or why wasn’t it mentioned anywhere to reserve seats when booking a train from Prague to Budapest? (they overbook the trains so you will literally stand for the 2 hour trip) This is one of the main reasons why I wanted to create this blog. I want to help others find that information that I struggled with.

So, what will you find here? You will find different types of resources to help you. If you look at the top you will see different titles (which are pretty self explanatory, but I will go ahead and explain a bit more)…

  • Blogs → here you will find posts about different topics such as, packing a carry-on for a 15 day trip, renting a car in Mexico, travel photography, travel safety, etc.

  • Travel tips from a student pharmacist → I had to include my pharmD experiences somehow, right! Here you will find information about vaccinations you might need before traveling, country specific health requirements, possible diseases you might be exposed to and more.

  • Itineraries → this section will provide itineraries for different cities I’ve visited. These will be simple to follow, bullet point recommendations. You will find information about major attractions grouped by location, opening hours, prices, and more!

  • Contact me → I welcome feedback and will also take requests. If you are traveling to a city I do not have information for, simply email me and I will help you get informed and create an itinerary based on your specific needs.

I hope this blog will help you become better informed and a travel enthusiast because as Michael Palin says;

Once the travel bug bites, there is no known antidote.”

Sheila Garcia